Newly discovered spying campaign, Russian hackers targeted European military and transport organizations.
Russian military-linked hackers targeted — and in some cases successfully infiltrated — the networks of European military, energy, and transportation organizations in an apparent spying campaign that went undetected for…
Happy Pi Day! 3.14
What is Pi? “Probably no symbol in mathematics has evoked as much mystery, romanticism, misconception, and human interest as the number Pi.” ~William L. Schaaf, Nature, and History of Pi…
Reserve Requirements: A Definition, History, and Example
What Are Reserve Requirements? Reserve requirements are the amount of cash that financial institutions must have, in their vaults or at the closest Federal Reserve bank, in line with deposits…
Best Open Source Penetration Testing Tools
Kali Linux is an open-source, Debian-based Linux distribution geared towards various information security tasks, such as Penetration Testing, Security Research, Computer Forensics, and Reverse Engineering. This niche prefers that distro;…
Anonymous vs. Russia: What can hackers do against Nuclear power?
Anonymous has declared cyberwar on Russia in the Ukraine conflict. Meanwhile, several hacker attacks have been on Russia, and Russia has threatened to use nuclear forces. Who can counter this?…
Only Linux Users Will Understand
If you want to cause chaos in a Linux environment, put this in the ~/.bash_aliasis file… PURE EVIL. Caution, do not try this at home kids!
Types Of Access Control Systems
When we refer to access control systems, we’re talking about providing access to restricted areas of the enterprise. But familiarity and correctly utilizing access control systems to protect proprietary information…
“LAN Parties” Before Laptops and WiFi
Back in the day, people would gather to play networked games and “Geek Out.” This might also resemble some offices in the early days. It reminds me of “the old…
What Is a Bear Market? Definition and How to Invest During One
When assets plummet 20% from recent highs, Bear markets are among the scariest market events you’ll encounter. But long-term investors can stay the course. The words “bear market” strike fear…
What does client-side and server-side mean? | Client-Side vs. Server-Side
Client-side and server-side are web development terms that describe where application code runs. Web developers will also refer to this distinction as the frontend vs. the backend, although client-side/server-side and…