Covid-19 – A new technological look at the lock-down.

We would probably go insane if this old school technology were the case in 2020. Your average cell phone has more technology and computing power and connectivity than what took the USA to the moon. And we just take it for grant it.

You can spy on your ex, pay your bills, schedule a babysitter or dog walker, order delivery from Amazon or GrubHub for dinner, map your walk or bike trip for the day, find GPS directions, and the thousands of “apps” that are out there now. There are so many Apps at a consumer's command via a thumb.

What if… What IF this Covid-19 lockdown, work from home, and current trending CDC and government mandates were in effect with this cell phone as your phone. You EDC (Everyday Carry) technology leash. Side note, "Angry Birds". Just saying.

Our office iPad Pro has broken down and is in need of repair. The world will not end, but with technology, as it is intended to improve the quality of life and augment our reality, these times are made possible to get by.

If we lived a decade ago, these "trying times" would be a lot different than the landscape of how trending times are unfolding in 2020.

Contact Us today for any of your technology needs you have and let's get you up and running today!


If you are bored with social distancing and want to geek out to a videogame, check out our partner, GameFly You can easily rent a game for as long as you like and not have to buy a game that turns out to be less than what the expectation was for it.

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