Massive route leak impacts major parts of the Internet, including Cloudflare
What happened?
Today at 10:30UTC, the Internet had a small heart attack. A small company in Northern Pennsylvania became a preferred path of many Internet routes through Verizon (AS701), a major Internet transit provider. This was the equivalent of Waze routing an entire freeway down a neighborhood street — resulting in many websites on Cloudflare and many other providers being unavailable from large parts of the Internet. This should never have happened because Verizon should never have forwarded those routes to the rest of the Internet. To understand why, read on.
We have blogged about these unfortunate events in the past, as they are not uncommon. This time, the damage was seen worldwide. What exacerbated the problem today was the involvement of a “BGP Optimizer” product from Noction. This product has a feature that splits up received IP prefixes into smaller, contributing parts (called more-specifics). For example, our own IPv4 route was turned into and It’s as if the road sign directing traffic to “Pennsylvania” was replaced by two road signs, one for “Pittsburgh, PA” and one for “Philadelphia, PA”. By splitting these major IP blocks into smaller parts, a network has a mechanism to steer traffic within its network, but that split should never have been announced to the world at large. When it was, it caused today’s outage.
To explain what happened next, here’s a quick summary of how the underlying “map” of the Internet works. “Internet” literally means a network comprising networks called Autonomous Systems (AS). Each of these networks has a unique identifier, its AS number. All these networks are interconnected using a Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) protocol. BGP joins these networks and builds the Internet “map” that enables traffic to travel from your ISP to a popular website on the other side of the world…
Using BGP, networks exchange route information: how to get to them from wherever you are. These routes can be specific, similar to finding a specific city on your GPS, or very general, like pointing your GPS to a state. This is where things went wrong today.
An Internet Service Provider in Pennsylvania (AS33154 – DQE Communications) was using a BGP optimizer in their network, meaning there were many more specific routes. Specific routes override more general routes (in the Waze analogy, a route to Buckingham Palace is more specific than a route to London).
DQE announced these specific routes to their customer (AS396531 – Allegheny Technologies Inc). This routing information was sent to their other transit provider (AS701 – Verizon), who told the entire Internet about these “better” routes. These routes were supposedly “better” because they were more granular and specific.
The leak should have stopped at Verizon. However, against numerous best practices outlined below, Verizon’s lack of filtering became a major incident that affected many Internet services such as Amazon, Linode, and Cloudflare.
This means that Verizon, Allegheny, and DQE suddenly had to deal with a stampede of Internet users trying to access those services through their networks. These networks could not handle this drastic traffic increase, causing service disruption. Even if they had sufficient capacity, DQE, Allegheny, and Verizon were not allowed to say they had the best route to Cloudflare, Amazon, Linode, etc…

During the incident, Cloudflare observed a loss, at the worst of the incident, of about 15% of their global traffic.

How could this leak have been prevented?
There are multiple ways this leak could have been avoided:
A BGP session can be configured with a hard limit of prefixes to be received. This means a router can decide to shut down a session if the number of prefixes exceeds the threshold. This would not have occurred if Verizon had such a prefix limit. It is a best practice to have such limits in place. It doesn’t cost a provider like Verizon anything to have such limits. And there’s no good reason, other than sloppiness or laziness, that they wouldn’t have such limits.
A different way network operators can prevent leaks like this one is by implementing IRR-based filtering. IRR is the Internet Routing Registry, and networks can add entries to these distributed databases. Other network operators can then use these IRR records to generate specific prefix lists for the BGP sessions with their peers. If IRR filtering had been used, none of the networks involved would have accepted the faulty more specifics. What’s quite shocking is that it appears that Verizon didn’t implement any of this filtering in their BGP session with Allegheny Technologies, even though IRR filtering has been around (and well-documented) for over 24 years. IRR filtering would not have increased Verizon’s costs or limited their service in any way. Again, sloppiness or laziness is the only explanation for why it wasn’t in place.
The RPKI framework Cloudflare, implemented and deployed globally last year, is designed to prevent this type of leak. It enables filtering on the origin network and prefix size. The prefixes Cloudflare announces are signed for a maximum size of 20. RPKI then indicates that any more specific prefix should not be accepted, regardless of the path. A network must enable BGP Origin Validation for this mechanism to take action. Many providers like AT&T have already enabled it successfully in their networks.
If Verizon had used RPKI, they would have seen that the advertised routes were invalid, and the router could have automatically dropped them.

All of the above suggestions are nicely condensed into MANRS (Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security)
How it was resolved
The network team at Cloudflare reached out to the networks involved, AS33154 (DQE Communications) and AS701 (Verizon). Cloudflare had difficulties reaching either network; this may have been due to the time of the incident, as it was still early on the East Coast of the US when the route leak started.

Cloudflare network engineers contacted DQE Communications quickly, and after a little delay, they were able to put us in contact with someone who could fix the problem. DQE worked with Cloudflare on the phone to stop advertising these “optimized” routes to Allegheny Technologies Inc. Once this was done, the Internet stabilized, and things returned to normal.

Unfortunately, while we tried both e-mail and phone calls to reach out to Verizon, at the time of writing this article (over 8 hours after the incident), we have not heard back from them, nor are we aware of them taking action to resolve the issue.
At Cloudflare, we wish that events like this never occur, but unfortunately, the current state of the Internet does very little to prevent incidents such as this one from occurring. It’s time for the industry to adopt better routing security through systems like RPKI. Cloudflare hopes that major providers will follow the lead of Cloudflare, Amazon, and AT&T and start validating routes. And, in particular, Cloudflare is looking at you, Verizon — and still waiting for the reply.