Teen -Computer user

End users are the ultimate human users (also referred to as operators) of a software product. The end user stands in contrast to users who support or maintain the product such as sysops, database administrators and computer technicians. The term is used to abstract and distinguish those who only use the software from the developers of the system, who enhance the software for end users. In user-centered design, it also distinguishes the software operator from the client who pays for its development and other stakeholders who may not directly use the software, but help establish its requirements This abstraction is primarily useful in designing the user interface, and refers to a relevant subset of characteristics that most expected users would have in common.

In the context of computer systems, an “end user” refers to the person who ultimately uses or is intended to use a product or service. Here are some key points about computer end users:

  1. Direct Interaction: End users are the people who interact with the computer systems, software applications, and hardware directly.
  2. Non-Technical: Typically, end users are not involved in the development, installation, or maintenance of the systems and may not have deep technical knowledge.
  3. Variety of Roles: End users can be anyone from office workers using productivity software to gamers using a gaming console, to someone browsing the internet on a personal computer.
  4. Feedback Providers: End users often provide feedback to developers and IT support teams, which can be critical for improving and troubleshooting systems.

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