So I have for months been using as a Monero (XMR) mining pool for about 16 Raspberry Pies and a handful of HP-DL380s with virtual machines running full blast mining some CPU based crypto. I examined the cost/benefit analysis regarding my electricity bill and how many hashes I was churning out. I was bored and wanted to geek out as a “hobbyist” crypto miner/passive income earner.
I was about to give up at the end of the year 2021. I put a lot of effort into this hobby which was educational in adding new Linux, Ansible, Crypto, etc., skills to my wheelhouse. I even put solar panels on my roof to offset my home data center addiction. (Drone video to come).
After not looking in-depth at my 20 XMR rigs in a few months, I decided to give it a fresh look. Upon doing some research, I found a new “mining pool,” MoneroOcean, and I decided to try it on my existing equipment. It comes with its own “XMRIG” miner, different code than uses, and its own mining pool.
Here is a look at a time in point for my miners with’s miner and pool from 4DEC2021:

I was starting to give up on the situation, and then I needed to do some traveling, so I couldn’t be hands-on to make adjustments, but I was able to monitor the instability remotely. I have smart plugs that my server rack and Raspberry Pi tower all report power consumption on.
From Norway, I had enough of looking at my electricity bill and just was fed up. With a “touch of a button” on my Samsung Fold 3, I shut down the entire setup. I felt pretty “cool/3l1t3” that I was out of the country and could turn off my complete home data center with one “click.”
I was at my witts end. I took a known good Raspberian / Raspberry PI OS and flashed ALL 10 of my JT-RPI-MINERs. I have more Pis that serve different functions with different naming conventions. I “should” have JT-RPI-MINER1 to JT-RPI-MINER10; where are they? They are all the same image now…
I did some research and found Moneroocean. stream, and switched over two powerhouses Ubuntu 20.04 VMs that WERE running SupportXMR’s miner after resting my setup once home from Europe.
These were the initial results from using the Monero Ocean’s rig and mining pool.

These were my initial results for two powerhouse VMs on an HP DL380. I am making some tweaks; that is why there was a sudden drop in their hash rate, but notice that the individual miners are stable and don’t have a weird “wavelength” in productivity when they are not undergoing maintenance by yours indeed.
I will let these sit overnight and check in tomorrow and see how things look with all of the changes. 2, 4 sockets/6 core miners. That’s 48 processors that are mining with the new “rig” software and a new pool.
More to follow. Over and Out.