Cron Explanation

DISCLAIMER I’m not a certified financial planner/advisor nor a certified financial analyst nor an economist nor a CPA nor an accountant or a lawyer. I’m not a finance professional through formal education. I am just a hacker.

I am unsure of my reboot scripts at this moment, or if the new XMR / Monero miner,’s new XMRig miner I installed is the cause of the problem. My “rigs” just keep dropping off the reporting websites for both, and no apparent proof of work, but I know they are on.

The XMRig appears to not stay running, and I am growing SICK of checking on the miner manually for an application I would expect to not be babysat and have to manually launch the program.

Their custom XMR app “should just work”. We have heard this before, no?

Is this a cause of instability because migrated from the initial XMR Mining from with their own miner, or due to switching to pool and their XMR/Monero engine? This is the whole reason I guess why to test out crypto open source technology.

I don’t know yet. The jury is out. One would want to think that this is an isolated impedance to earning.

But what I am automating is something you and as a system administrator might want or need to implement and tweak. Not for a reboot exactly, or maybe; but just a nightly and weekly automated job.

I have at the moment 16 XMRRigs. I just added 6 GPU/ETH. I don’t have time to dilly with this.

Now, as you – “the administrator”, you need to go get a refill of coffee!

Edit your Linux/Unix “crontab” with sudo/admin rights and preferably VIM or what you are comfortable with.

sudo crontab -e

# Zachary Pelka - 15MAY2022
# Spacing of the file is arbitrary for the most part. I like this format as it reads easy on my eyes and to know my schedule. 
@reboot is a special event designation
# Minute - Hour - Day of Month - Month - Day of Week - Your command
# m h  dom mon dow   commant
@reboot /xmrig/ #custom script to launch various crypto miners and switching to other pools controlled by Ansible- This script runs when the system boots after a power cycle. Ansible is a manual push to update a variable in this script.

# m h  dom mon dow   commant
*/10 * * * * /xmrig/ # Again an annoying script I wrote to check if XMRig is runnning, and if not, re-launch's XMRig. SMH. Runs every 10 mins every day - Struggle is real

*    1 * * * /user/bin/apt-get update -y #Chive On - Late night automation runs the Ubuntu OS update script with autocomplte of yesat 01:00 GMT

*/30 1 * * * /user/bin/apt-get upgrade -y #Want sour cream? Late night automation runs the Ubuntu OS updgrade script with autocomplte of yes at 01:30 GMT

*    2 * * * /sbin/shutdown -r now # Reboots nightly @2 AM after nightly mainenance

The *’s or asterixis mean every/all/any time.

*/10 * * * * – Every 10 Mins, every hour, every day of the month, every month, and day of the week of every year. I supplied some supporting context, so I hope you can follow.

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