Nicehash – Caught The Block!
Today, I “Caught the Block” with Nicehash’s Mining packages. I wagered $4.17 and won $48.49 in RavenCoin! Woot Woot!
ChatGPT Art
I asked chatGPT to create a meme about servers. Look what it came up with! AI sure is amazing…
Tunneling or Port Forwarding
Tunneling is generally done by encapsulating the private network data and protocol information within the public network transmission units so that the private network protocol information appears to the public…
RSH – the legacy remote shell tool
The rsh (remote shell) program was a tool for remotely running a command on a remote computer. It has since been superseded by ssh. Everyone who still has rsh enabled…
rlogin – the legacy remote login tool
The rlogin (remote login) program was a tool for remotely using a computer over a network. It could be used to get a command line on a remote computer. SSH…
Game of Thrones – Melted Throne
We will not reveal the ending, but you will get it if you know and are a computer enthusiast.
CDN performance
A benefit of a CDN is its ability to deliver content quickly and efficiently. CDN performance optimizations can be broken into three categories. Explore the CDN Guide. How does a…
Why minify JavaScript code?
By reducing file sizes, JavaScript minification can improve webpage performance. What is minification in JavaScript? Minification, or minimization, removes all unnecessary characters from JavaScript source code without altering its functionality.…
What is a content delivery network (CDN)? | How do CDNs work?
Explore how a CDN delivers fast, efficient, and secure content to websites and Internet services. What is a CDN? A content delivery network (CDN) is a geographically distributed group of…
What is round-trip time? | RTT definition
Round-trip time (RTT) is the millisecond duration (ms) for a network request to go from a starting point to a destination and back to the starting point. What is round-trip…