This weekend I got a Discord PM saying I won 4.14 ETH (Approx 5k USD). Obviously, I know it’s a scam, but I signed up for their wallet/exchange to see what’s up. I’ve smelled enough scams out, I felt this was one. Everyone wants to “win the lottery”, but this was just too good to be true.
The Discord message simply said to make an account on and then enter this code they sent to receive 4.14 ETH. Winning! (not) The website itself is a very well-crafted and constructed website that is very official-looking like a professional exchange website. They clearly went through a lot of effort for this scam. They almost got me.

I entered the code and low and behold what do you know; my account balance shows 4.14 ETH!! Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) makes you feel you should do it within 48 hours! Do it now or you lose!
When you go to withdraw I ran into an issue. My account is not in “user” status, as it isn’t verified until you deposit at least 0.02 BTC with them to the fictional BTC wallet with them which is theirs actually.
Ok, so one might think, well this is my wallet for BTC with Razer, so sure, I will xfer .02 BTC to my own wallet to get 4.14 ETH… Here is the rub.

Who is to say the scammer doesn’t have access to that BTC account/wallet? The moment I xfer approx as of this writing $425 US dollars in BTC with a gullible mindset to get about $5,000 USD, sure sounds good! WHAMMY!
Here is where I aborted. Who is to say the moment you put the .02 BTC into “my wallet” with Razer to unlock the 4.14 ETH that is “required” for any withdrawal; why would they not lock it down and immediately pull the fictional funds from my fictional ETH wallet with them, and then also pull the non-refundable BTC which if non-fiction?

It gets more interesting.

A “who is” lookup clearly indicates this is related to Russia, and we know how we can trust Russia right now right? “Special Military Operation” my ass.
Abort, don’t even reply. If something seems too good to be true, it is. If I were to deposit the .02 BTC, I cannot track it unless you employ advanced companies like Chainalysis to track down the entire transaction, I would be screwed. Imagine if you completed their Know Your Customer (KYC), they would have even more on you!
