Leave it to Toonces, the Cat!
Toonces, the cat, drops the mic and exits stage left as the Christmas Tree is demolished! It will now be known as “The Christmas Tree Incident”
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It all started with children’s games. Rooted in the groundbreaking improvisational games of Viola Spolin, The Second City opened its doors on a snowy Chicago night in December of 1959, and a comedy revolution began. Co-founded by Bernie Sahlins, Howard Alk, and Spolin’s son Paull Sills, the small cabaret theater grew to become the most influential and prolific comedy empire in the world, developing a unique way of creating art and fostering generation after generation of superstars.
Toonces, the cat, drops the mic and exits stage left as the Christmas Tree is demolished! It will now be known as “The Christmas Tree Incident”
Systemd is used by Debian, Arch, Fedora, Ubuntu, and many downstream Linux distros. Windows’ infamous “Blue Screen of Death” is a bit of a punchline. People have made a hobby…
I asked chatGPT to create a meme about servers. Look what it came up with! AI sure is amazing…
We will not reveal the ending, but you will get it if you know and are a computer enthusiast.
This is true when no one can go outside and leave the house for entertainment, products, or goods. Sad, but rather accurate.
You have to keep moving or you will sink. “Don’t you see? You were never an ugly duckling. You were a beautiful senior administrative analyst.”
Forty-two is the ASCII code for the symbol *, also known as the asterisk. This symbol is often thought to translate to anything or everything. In this instance, 42 =…
Never, never, ever, ever decide to deploy on a Friday. You will thank yourself, your manager will, your helpdesk, your family, your kids, your fish… NEVER make any changes on…
Bevis and Buthead – NOC Edition. Perception vs Reality
Twisted Pair Cables :These are a type of guided media. Alexander Graham Bell invented it. Twisted pair cables have two conductors, generally made up of copper, and each conductor has…