Variable Substitution for Programmers
Var·i·a·ble /ˈverēəb(ə)l/ adjective Op·po·site /ˈäpəzət/ adjective
Your Go-To Source for Cyber Security Insights and Solutions
It all started with children’s games. Rooted in the groundbreaking improvisational games of Viola Spolin, The Second City opened its doors on a snowy Chicago night in December of 1959, and a comedy revolution began. Co-founded by Bernie Sahlins, Howard Alk, and Spolin’s son Paull Sills, the small cabaret theater grew to become the most influential and prolific comedy empire in the world, developing a unique way of creating art and fostering generation after generation of superstars.
Var·i·a·ble /ˈverēəb(ə)l/ adjective Op·po·site /ˈäpəzət/ adjective
Talk about advances in technology and sending messages. You can now pay to have your DNA sent to the moon for archive reasons… WEIRD. Cyber Security Note – Never pick…
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery. Make today count! ODAAT.
Ladies and gentlemen, the most “secure” ATM in the world! “Do you feel lucky?” Physical security and changing the default credentials P..R..O..B..A..B..L..Y… could have prevented this.
Awe, isn’t that cute! We have a “NetCat” stowed away in a mini server rack. Maybe it was cold, or maybe it was looking for the USB mouse. Ncat is…
I told you I was coming for you! This was not a threat. This was a promise! Dedication pays off! I was determined to obtain this 30 day hacking streak…
A feud between Twitter CEO Elon Musk and Meta co-founder Mark Zuckerberg has begun! “Finish Him!” Let the battle begin! Who do you think is going to win?!
I don’t see how this was thought to be safe. Several nightmares needing to replace or modify this cable line… UGH
Sorry, I couldn’t resist! The resistor is a passive electrical component that creates resistance in the flow of electric current. In almost all electrical networks and electronic circuits, they can…
Why Arrange Elements in a Table? So there are no surprises! Seeing chemical elements arranged in the modern periodic table is as familiar as seeing a map of the world,…