Dirty Motherboard, or Ancient Ruins?!
Is this a dirty motherboard, or some ancient ruins? Maybe you uncovered both at the same time! Circuitry can be weird wired and wild!
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It all started with children’s games. Rooted in the groundbreaking improvisational games of Viola Spolin, The Second City opened its doors on a snowy Chicago night in December of 1959, and a comedy revolution began. Co-founded by Bernie Sahlins, Howard Alk, and Spolin’s son Paull Sills, the small cabaret theater grew to become the most influential and prolific comedy empire in the world, developing a unique way of creating art and fostering generation after generation of superstars.
Is this a dirty motherboard, or some ancient ruins? Maybe you uncovered both at the same time! Circuitry can be weird wired and wild!
When you’re watching a “hacker” in a TV show or movie… “Wait, that’s not hacking, he’s just running an update in Kali Linux!”
Breaking news: A 51-year-old man has made a joke that reeks of the same sophistication a 13-year-old boy might bring to Reddit. After Twitter’s botched attempt to remove legacy blue…
Tech: “Well, It happened… P.S. Everything is up. Manager”….” What comes next? What comes next in this debacle?!
Never let your computer know that you are in a hurry. They can smell fear. They slow down if they know you are running out of time.
Talk about a disorganized mess? “You are doing it wrong.” And you wonder why you cannot find what you are looking for. Insert Starwars “These are not the droids you…
Byte, is the basic unit of information in computer storage and processing. A byte consists of 8 adjacent binary digits (bits), each consisting of a 0 or 1. (Originally, a…
This truck was properly defragged locally and was compressed for data in transit. Data in motion is done effectively and efficiently for transit. For more information on “Data in Transit”…
When you upgrade your RAM, and the PC doesn’t boot, so you put the old RAM back in and it still doesn’t boot.
Talk about a bad day and possibly a resume-changing event… System Admin: “The server crashed and is down.”IT Manager: “Try to restart it.”System Admin: “No, I said the server CRASHED.”