I think we’ve all worked here
Must be willing to work in a fast-paced and exciting environment. Then, reality sets in.
Your Go-To Source for Cyber Security Insights and Solutions
It all started with children’s games. Rooted in the groundbreaking improvisational games of Viola Spolin, The Second City opened its doors on a snowy Chicago night in December of 1959, and a comedy revolution began. Co-founded by Bernie Sahlins, Howard Alk, and Spolin’s son Paull Sills, the small cabaret theater grew to become the most influential and prolific comedy empire in the world, developing a unique way of creating art and fostering generation after generation of superstars.
Must be willing to work in a fast-paced and exciting environment. Then, reality sets in.
No, your connection isn’t because your wires are looped up; check the Level one connection, is it connected? Have to love a Microsoft Reboot!
Facebook jail for no reason. Facebook jail for no reason. Zero reasons to block my account for complimenting a company for promoting holiday flare at work. BS! I commented how…
The first 4 Words You See Will be Your Mantra for 2023 There are MANY words contained within, but your brain will sort out what seems like a mess but…
When you are an IT admin, and you watch a “hack scene” in a movie.
Imagine driving 1 hour to troubleshoot this… KNOW YOUR PORTS!
This took some ingenuity to synch the LED keyboards to make the video. Pretty cool and geeky, lol.
What is this, a drunk data center that needs stability? Don’t call me for this “on-call.”