Relationbal Databases

Digital transformation, regardless of whether a private venture or a large organization, has empowered companies to produce information at every touchpoint. Irrespective of the organization, each organization requires a database to sort out and store its fundamental data. To provide such a facility, the database management system software is to the rescue.

A database can be referred to as a room inside an office where all the essential information and reports are stored. The information which gets stored is susceptible. Hence we have to be ultra-careful while we access the information in the database.

With the ascent of Microservices, Cloud, Distributed Apps, Semi-Structured Data, Big Data, Low Latency Data, and so on, the customary SQL list of most popular databases is currently joined by different NoSQL, NewSQL, and Cloud databases.

Stating the wide use and popularity of different types of databases in responsive web development applications, here are some facts about the best database for web apps in 2022 or upcoming years:

According to reports by, 91% of companies with more than 11 employees use CRM software.

A report by Nucleus Research states that 65% of companies using mobile web development CRM are achieving their sales quotas. 

According to Future Market Insights, the mobile CRM market is expected to grow at an approximate CAGR of 13% over 2019-2029.

Now, let’s dive deep into the types of popular databases for web applications.

Which is the best Database for web applications In 2022?

1. The Oracle

Oracle is the most widely used commercial relational database management system, with built-in assembly languages such as C, C++, and Java. This database’s most recent version, 21c, contains many new features. 

Oracle is the database management system that stands above the others. Overall, it is the most extensively used RDBMS. It takes up less space, processes data faster, and includes several new useful features, such as JSON from SQL.

2. MySQL

MySQL is one of the most popular databases to use in 2022 in the computer world, especially in web application development. The main focus of this database is on stability, robustness, and maturity. The most popular application of this database is for web development solutions. 

MySQL is written in C and C++ and uses a structured query language. MySQL 8.0 is the most recent version of this database, and it includes a better recovery option. The best SQL database comes in various editions, each with its features.

3.  MS SQL Server

Microsoft provides excellent toolset support for one of the best database software, both on-premise and in the cloud. It’s attuned well to Linux and Windows systems. MS SQL is a multi-model database that supports Structured Data (SQL), Semi-Structured Data(JSON), and Spatial Data.

It is not as inventive or advanced as another current list of popular databases but has undergone considerable improvements and overhauls over the years.

4.  PostgreSQL

POSTGRES was the initial name of the database. Michael was also honored with the Turing Award for his contributions to PostgreSQL.

PostgreSQL is a database management system written in C and used by businesses that deal with vast amounts of data. Several gaming apps, database automation tools, and domain registrations use this database management software.

5.  MongoDB

There are a few things to consider when it comes to the most popular databases to use in 2022 through a NoSQL database. MongoDB is the first Document Database management software that was released in 2009. It is challenging to load and access data into RDBMS using object-oriented programming languages that require additional application-level mapping. Thus, to overcome this problem, Mongo was developed to handle Document Data.

6.  IBM DB2

IBM also offered DB2 LUW for Windows, Linux, and Unix. DB2 11.5 is the most recent release and speeds up query execution.

The list of databases for mobile apps supports the relational model, but it has grown significantly in recent years. It now supports object-relational features and non-relational forms such as JSON and XML.

7.  Redis

It is a popular open-source database project. According to Stack Overflow’s Annual Developer Survey, Redis is ranked as the “Most Loved Database platform.” As a distributed, in-memory key-value database, it can be used. Redis can also be used as a distributed cache and message broker, with durability as an option.

8.  Elasticsearch

Elasticsearch is an open-core full-text search engine based on Lucene that was first released in 2010 by Shay Banon. It’s a full-text search engine with a distributed, multi-tenant capability and a REST API.

It provides horizontal scaling via automatic sharing and REST API. It also supports structured and schema-less data (JSON), which is especially suited to analyzing, logging, or Monitoring data.

9.  Cassandra

It is an open core, distributed, comprehensive column store and commonly used database for an application developed in 2008. This is a highly scalable database management software that is widely used by industries to handle massive data.

One of its main features is its decentralized database (Leaderless), having automatic replication and multi-data center replication, leading it to become a fault-tolerant base without any failures. Cassandra has several different operations and infrastructure. Cassandra and HBase databases go a long way and have different use cases according to their types.

10. MariaDB

It is a Relational Database Management System compatible with MySQL Protocol and Clients. The MySQL server can be easily replaced with MariaDB without requiring code changes.

This management system provides columnar storage with massively parallel distributed data architecture. In comparison to MySQL, MariaDB is more community-driven.

11.  OrientDB

OrientDB is an open-source database with a NoSQL multi-model database program that enables businesses to leverage the capabilities of graph database management software without having to build several systems to handle different data types.

It is a management solution with support for graph, document, key-value, and object-oriented database models that improve performance and security while also allowing for scalability.

12. SQLite

SQLite is an open-source best SQL database with an integrated relational database management system. It was created in the year 2000. It’s a top database that requires no configuration and doesn’t even require a server or installation. Despite its simplicity, it contains many commonly used database management system software functionalities to be used in mobile web development like react native.

13. DynamoDB

DynamoDB is a nonrelational best database from Amazon. It is a serverless database for mobile apps that scales up and down automatically while backing up your data.

This database program features built-in security, in-memory caching, and consistent latency.

14.  Neo4j

Neo4j is an open-source, Java-based NoSQL graph database launched in 2007. It uses a query language called Cypher, labeled on its site as the most efficient and expressive way to describe relationship queries.

This database management system software saves your data as graphs rather than tables. Neo4j’s relationship system is quick that allows you to create and use other relationships later to “shortcut” and speed up domain data as the need arises.

15. Firebirdsql

Firebird is a free SQL relational database management system software that operates on Mac OS X, Linux, Microsoft Windows, and various Unix platforms.

This best free database for web applications has upgraded the multi-platform RDBMS. From firebird memberships to sponsorship commitments, it offers a variety of financing choices.

What Is The Easiest Database To Use?

While most databases for mobile apps are the same, it is fundamental to become familiar with the basics of most popular SQL databases and explanations since they can be applied easily to most popular database systems. It would be better for you to learn it by composing SQL statements first instead of utilizing a GUI approach.

When you understand the key ideas, you’ll see that it’s a simple way to apply them to any database management software utilizing any IDEs, GUI included.

Which Database Is Best For Python?

The Python programming language has unique database programming features. Python upholds different lists of databases like SQLite, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and so forth. Python likewise supports Data Definition Language (DDL), Data Manipulation Language (DML), and Data Query Statements. Python DB-API is the Python standard for database interfaces. Most Python database interfaces stick to this norm.

Here we will talk about one of the best databases for web applications: SQLite


SQLite is likely the most precise database and the most popular SQL database to connect with a Python application since you don’t have to install any external Python SQL database or type or SQL database modules. Of course, your Python installation contains a Python library named SQLite3 that you can use to connect and interact with an SQLite database.

Concluding Thoughts

Database for mobile apps is considered the cornerstone for software applications and is something without which an organization cannot thrive.

I hope this list of the best database for web apps in 2022 has cleared your doubts regarding its usage widely.

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