What Is A Market Correction?
A correction is a sustained decline in the value of a market index or the price of an individual asset. A correction is generally agreed to be a 10% to…
Guide To Company Culture
Company culture refers to the beliefs and values that are firmly held by a company and expressed through its goals. A strong company culture can help a company establish a…
DRIP Investing: What Is A Dividend Reinvestment Plan?
A dividend reinvestment plan (DRIP) lets you buy shares of stock in a company with the dividend payments from that same company. Investors who opt into a DRIP take advantage…
Guide To Dividend Investing For Beginners
Buying the stocks of companies that pay steady dividends is one of the best ways to invest. Because you’re investing for slow, steady payments in more mature companies, some might…
Mid-Cap Stocks
Mid-cap stocks are shares of companies with a total market capitalization range of about $2 billion to $10 billion. Along with large-cap and small-cap stocks, mid-cap stocks are one of…
An Introduction To The Nasdaq Stock Exchange
The Nasdaq is the second largest stock exchange on earth. Over 3,700 public companies are listed for trade on the Nasdaq, with a collective market capitalization of over $19 trillion—slightly…
What Is A Stock Exchange?
A stock exchange is a marketplace where stocks, bonds, and other securities are bought and sold. But stock exchanges are more than just markets: They provide companies with a valuable…
What is end-to-end encryption & how does it work?
Over the past few years, the vulnerability of social networks like Facebook or messaging apps like Chat has given rise to using end-to-end encrypted platforms to protect communications. Today, platforms…
Exchange Traded Funds: What Are ETFs?
What Is an Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF)? An exchange-traded fund (ETF) is a type of pooled investment security that operates much like a mutual fund. Typically, ETFs will track a particular…
Asset Allocation And Your Portfolio
People who gamble on sports generally bet all their money on one team. If their team wins, they reap the rewards. And if their team loses? They lose it all.…