So I said I was going to keep you updated on my Crypto Currency mining, so here is the update. Now, that’s 21 miners, either Raspberry PI, a laptop, a desktop, or a virtual server with VMWare. But that’s 21 miners, quite sick if you ask me to have 21 machines working to mine Monero / XMR.
As of the moment, I am mining Monero / XMR, ETH,, and Mysterium. I am thinking of doing NiceHash and Raven also, but I am not ready to dual-purpose my rigs or set aside some to individually mine that.

Hive OS, I don’t think I have done a review on this just yet, but its quite a powerful Linux OS for mining. I have 8 GPUs listed. I need more expensive ones to get more from the rig. But its loaded with 8 miners.

These are my current earings for ETH for basically half a week as I was getting my ETH rig setup. This should be more consistent, and again with more investment for pricy video / GPU cards, it will = more.

My “” is going well, I now have 2 contacts/renters. My “uptime” has been low because of what I think I was doing by having as the main crypto, but I was running XMRIG on it also. I was double-dipping. I don’t think that agreed well in general with the operating system and So I have learned and via me, you have now learned. They don’t play well together in my experience with running XMR and
I would be curious if anyone has seen this also with dual purposing a rig with and other mining software. Please leave your comments below.


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