Mining ETCHASH with 3 and 4 MB and beyond GPU mining.
Please enter CoinGecko Free Api Key to get this plugin today, as of this post 22OCT2022, said ETCHASH (ETC) is the most profitable for my setup today, so I decided to write an article for a “blow-by-blow” setup. Mind you, you should always check for their best bets for what to mine at the moment, this is not my financial advice for whenever you read this, but I was curious as to how to set this up for my Rigs. Your experience may vary with what hardware you have. Be sure to plug in your GPU cards to customize your mining experience.
I am using HiveOS and have a decent setup with my rigs.

In HiveOS, at the top of the navigation, click on “Wallets”:

After signing up and establishing yourself, if you have not already had an account with Coinbase, you would enter your information for your wallet as shown by using the proper dropdowns and copying and pasting your address. You can use the one below and mine for me if you like, but it is suggested you get your own.
Go back to website, and under “wallets,” you will see a link that says “Add Wallet” on the upper right-hand side. Click on that.

Once there, use the drop-downs and enter your personal information, similar to the screenshot below:

This post will not cover HiveOS’s ways of determining balances shown in the image, click one of my links, and it will help if you enjoy the content. . It’s cents on the dollar anyway.
Some of my HiveOS machines are off as the community and I are trying to figure out what is best, and my solar production KWHs are starting to dwindle due to winter and lack of sun. Enter “Game of Thrones.” The “ETH Merge” changed things for us miners.

I think I will take JT-GPUFARM1 and move this “rig” over to mine ETC as it’s my other “Da-Rig. JT-FARM2” that doesn’t seem to be in “red” status.

So I Navigated to “Flighsheets” in Hive and created a new flight sheet configured below. I am choosing GMiner as I don’t have homogeneous GPU hardware, and GMiner supports both AMD and Nvidia cards. So by selecting a proper miner for both technologies, I can remain agile with my flight sheet. For now, that is the plan; things change, haha.

So now that I have selected my underperforming RIG, I will assign it to the flight sheet. Sometimes it is tricky, so I suggest rebooting once you change flight sheets if you can afford to.

Oh, but wait, we are not there yet. I tend to keep all operating systems up to date, but there is a new release of HiveOS for the GMiner I am about to use. If you are smart, you keep your systems updated. So let’s update / Reboot before we go further.

In this next step, we will take the newly updated/upgraded HIVOS rig and assign it a new “flight sheet.” I believe the upgrade worked, as I see some RYO hash coming in. But that is not what is suggested today, so let’s switch!

Now we have the RIG selected in HiveOS, so click on the “FlightSheets,” choose the new flight sheet for ETC, and see how it goes for a few days. But it is now set, and forget it so we can switch easily. Click the little rocket button to have it start; again, here, you should monitor your rig. Sometimes when doing this, you have to reboot. Your mileage may vary!

Now JT0GPUFARM1 is still running HOT; it now s mining ETC which was the goal here,

Below are some hardware links to set yourself up if you are new to mining or maybe want to start and get started. They are affiliate links, so if you use the links, it will help this page out and not impact your bottom line.
Nvidia GPUs:
EVGA Supernova 1300 PS: