Ajit Pai’s plan to lower internet broadband standards is “crazy,” FCC Democrat says
“This is crazy. Lowering standards doesn’t solve our broadband problems.” The Federal Communications Commission chairman’s proposal to lower the country’s broadband standard is “crazy” and does nothing to solve the…
MoqHao Banking Trojan Targets South Korean Android Users
McAfee security researchers reveal that a recently spotted Android banking Trojan targeting South Korean users via SMS phishing messages (smishing) was linked to an infection campaign from two years ago.…
Petya-esque ransomware is spreading across the world
Ringing with echoes of WanaCrypt0r, a new strain of ransomware called Petya/NotPetya is impacting users around the world, shutting down firms in Ukraine, Britain, and Spain. Background Petya, created in…
50 million US homes have only one 25Mbps Internet provider or none at all
10.6 million homes have no wired access to 25Mbps, and 4.9 million can’t get 3Mbps. More than 10.6 million US households have no access to wired Internet service with download…
Verizon supports controversial rule that could help Google Fiber expand
Verizon asks FCC to speed up fiber deployment, but the cable lobby is against it. Verizon is supporting a controversial rule that would help network operators deploy fiber much more…
Dangerous Malware Discovered that Can Take Down Electric Power Grids
Last December, a cyber attack on the Ukrainian Electric power grid caused a power outage in the northern part of Kyiv — the country’s capital — and surrounding areas, causing…
What is WannaCry ransomware?
Is your computer vulnerable to attack from WannaCry ransomware? Read on as we explore all there is to know about the WannaCry ransomware attack. In this article, you will learn:…
Disclosure of a Major Bug in CryptoNote Based Currencies
Overview In Monero, it has been discovered and patched a critical bug that affects all CryptoNote-based cryptocurrencies and allows for the creation of an unlimited number of coins in a…
Chinese internet giant Tencent buys 5% of Tesla
Tencent, Asia’s second highest valued tech firm, has bought a five percent share in Tesla. According to a filing, the Chinese firm scooped up 8,167,544 shares for around $1.7 billion…
How to Fix “No route to host” SSH Error in Linux
SSH is the most secure means of connecting to Linux servers remotely. And one of the common errors encountered while using SSH is the “ssh: connect to host port 22:…